Feet in Heaven

Expand your connection
between Heaven and Earth

Let me guide you...

www.nohyvnebi.com • nohy v nebi / FEET IN HEAVEN

Learning, growing, and following the inner voice. Embracing everything fully. Experiencing life through symbols and striving to understand synchronicity.

Our feet are a map from which we can read about ourselves and our inner world. They are a mirror of our feelings and thoughts.

Let’s be ourselves now and forever

We are in a new era, with new means of communication. Speak to yourself, to others, to your body, soul, spirit, and Mother Earth.

Let’s start speaking and sharing everything…

Let's listen to your body and soul
Your body is talking to you... Are you listening?
Connect with mother Earth
Foot reading + Psychsomatic + Grounding
Thai or Chakra Foot Massage
Massage focused on your body needs
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Who am I?

I am Marek… a guide, helper, confidant, friend, teacher, student, healer. I am like you. I am here and now. I am an old soul with a heart full of love, just like everyone else.

We have many faces, roles, names, and bodies, but only one soul.

We have all been gifted. Every day we discover how to use our gifts and how they can change our lives for the better. When the time comes, they become the only way to give ourselves freedom and joy, to be truly alive. I find my path in everyday life and I am still on the journey towards complete fulfillment.

In my career as a professional caregiver, I focus on consultancy projects for parents and their children from birth to adulthood. I also collaborate with preschools in Brno. The main focus remains on psychosomatics.

www.nohyvnebi.com • nohy v nebi / FEET IN HEAVEN

I care about you... These are the services I can offer you

Foot Reading

Learn to listen to your body and soul and unlock your potential.


Find the courage and strength to name and accept everything.​

Foot Massage

Regular foot massage can contribute to overall well-being.

www.nohyvnebi.com • nohy v nebi / FEET IN HEAVEN

Book a session

  • Choose a service / vyberte si službu
  • Date & Time / datum a čas
  • Your Information / klientská registrace
  • Payment / platba
  • Verify Order Details / potvrzení volby objednávky
  • Confirmation / potvrzení rezervace

Choose a service / vyberte si službu

Please select a service for which you want to schedule an appointment.

prosim vyberte si službu, kterou by jste rádi využili

Choose a service / vyberte si službu

Please select a service for which you want to schedule an appointment.

prosim vyberte si službu, kterou by jste rádi využili

Date & Time / datum a čas

Click on a date to see a timeline of available slots, click on a green time slot to reserve it.

Klikněte si na vybraný datum, otevře se nabídka volných míst a proklikem na zelený časový termín se objednáte.

Your Information / klientská registrace

Please provide your contact details so we can send you a confirmation and other contact info.

Prosim o vyplnění detailu pro vzájemnou korespondenci s detaily rezervace a případného spojeni na videohovor.

Payment / platba

You can either pay online in full using your credit card or PayPal, or you can make a deposit and pay the rest on arrival with cash.

Máte možnost celou částku uhradit najednou přes platby kartou či Paypal a nebo uhradit jen zálohu a doplatit zbytek osobně v hotovosti na místě.

Verify Order Details / potvrzení volby objednávky

Double check your reservation details and click submit button if everything is correct.

Překontrolujte si vše na objednávce a následně potvrďte.

Confirmation / potvrzení rezervace

Your appointment has been successfully scheduled. Please retain this confirmation for your record.

Rezervace je nyní uúspěšně dokončena a potvrzena. Prosim potvrzení si případne uchovejte.

Choose a service / vyberte si službu

Choose a service / vyberte si službu
Select a suitable Date & Time / vyberte si datum a čas
Customer Information / informace o vás
Your Payment Information / možnosti úhrady služby
Verify Booking Details / potvrzení volby objednávky
Appointment Confirmation / potvrzení rezervace

Select Service Duration

You need to select service duration, the price of your service will depend on duration.

How Many People?

Maximum capacity is 1
ONE to ONE TALK (online) Kč1000
HEALY READING (online) Kč1500
p. Marek

Frequently asked questions

First of all, it’s about you. Your mental and health state in the translation of the language of the body and my insight into the symbolism of somatics and energy.

Healy is a personal device for each of us in everyday life. It is an electrostimulation device that utilizes microcurrent technology for treating symptoms of illnesses through microampere-level current of various frequencies – IMF. It can be operated remotely or directly on a smart phone or tablet.

It’s about connection, consciousness. When we can accept and believe that everything is interconnected and influences us on all levels, then everything takes on a different dimension of our understanding of life and ourselves. It’s not constellation, it’s not kinesiology, it’s psychosomatics. Seemingly incomprehensible, but experienced on our own skin. By yourself.

Our collective connection to symbolism can greatly help us see things differently than they may appear here and there, just like when you go to a psychologist or have constellations set up. I offer sessions on children, partnerships, sexuality, work issues, addictions, behavioral patterns, or even fear. Everything is interconnected.

Primarily from within me… a gift that I have learned to utilize for myself and gladly share with others.

There are also many references and knowledge I have acquired over the years through studies, but primarily it is my personal experience. I can mention some books by Rudiger Dahlke or Mantak Chia. Among them are also our amazing Czech representatives in the field of reflexology, psychosomatics, and child psychology

What you give, you also receive. Everything should be acknowledged and valued in some form. I thank you in advance for any gift or contribution. It’s not all about money. Everyone has their own gifts, and those can also be a form of reciprocity. In the case of a personal visit, we can then arrange a form of exchange. I am open to communication. For some gifts, you can also use cryptocurrency as a form of payment

www.nohyvnebi.com • nohy v nebi / FEET IN HEAVEN

What people say

let go of old patterns and be your true self

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Lesni Hluboke E67,
664 83 Lesni Hluboke,
Czech Republic

Contact me

If you have any questions regarding my services, please fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.